
Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority

CARTA connects Charleston-area transit riders to work, school, healthcare, tourist attractions, the airport and more.

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Rolling Forward: CARTA Now Features Real-Time “Transit” App

Accurate bus tracking, easy trip-planning and more

The Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority (CARTA) today announced its partnership with Transit, the premier public transportation mobile app.

Riders will now be able to navigate the Charleston area with accurate real-time predictions, simple trip planning, step-by-step navigation, service disruption notifications, and departure and stop reminders – and it’s all presented in a clear, bold interface.

“This app is a key tool in the rider experience and is the first of several digital steps we’ll be taking this fall to make CARTA more appealing,” said CARTA Board of Directors Chairman Mike Seekings. “Better technology is helping us lay the foundation for long-term, successful public transportation in the Lowcountry.”

Transit is available for free download in the Google Play and the App Store. Read Transit 101 for tips and tricks on how to use the app.

For riders without smart phones or Internet service, CARTA also introduced new SMS texting and phone service. Customers can call or text (843) 202-4410 and provide the stop number of their choice, which can be found on signs at bus stops. An automated system will then relay the next two real-time arrivals for each route servicing the selected stop.

“We’re sensitive to the fact that not everyone has a smart phone and we want to provide as many options as possible for all of our riders,” Seekings said.

In the coming weeks, CARTA will also roll out a new website and an online payment system that will be connected to on-board fare boxes. The transit system, meanwhile, continues to collect data from recently installed Automatic Passenger Counters that it plans to use in the deployment of future service. New shelters and buses are planned in the months ahead, as well.

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Transit App

Download “Transit” and travel like a true Charlestonian.

Available in the App Store and on Google Play, “Transit” offers numerous features to help you easily navigate around Charleston.

Bus Route: See vehicle locations in real time, find nearby stops, and receive stop announcements.

Service Alerts: Keep on top of schedule changes, stop relocations and other unexpected surprises.

Favorites: Always take the same bus? Move it to the top of the list by adding it to your favorites.

Timetables: View the full schedule for a route and set alarms to remind you to leave.

Countdowns: Get real-time predictions based on data from the transit agency.

“Go”: Get step-by-step transit directions and notifications about when to leave for your trip and when to get off the bus.

Plan a trip!: Compare trips side by side with your preferred transport modes selected.

View Transit 101

Download TransitApp from Google Play Store
Download TransitApp from Apple Store