
Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority

CARTA connects Charleston-area transit riders to work, school, healthcare, tourist attractions, the airport and more.

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On Behalf of Transit, Thank You

By Mike Seekings and Ron Mitchum

Charleston County last week approved a $2.1 billion half-cent sales tax referendum that included $600 million for mass transit. The result is an unprecedented win for public transportation in the region and underscores that only an integrated system of roads, transit and bike/pedestrian facilities will help alleviate traffic woes in the Lowcountry.

CARTA executive leadership and its Board of Directors thank Charleston County residents for their “yes” vote and pledge to be excellent, responsible and transparent stewards of these incredible resources while working to build the world-class transit system that our region deserves.

With a bright future ahead, there are a few things that we hope Charleston County residents will keep in mind:

  • We’ll be accountable: From Day 1, CARTA will share regular updates as we put the referendum money to use.
  • Expect new buses, more reliable service and improved transit amenities: Much of what residents will see will be in the form of new buses, more frequent service and items such as shelters. It won’t all happen overnight – CARTA won’t receive $600 million in a lump sum – but there will be steady, measureable and noticeable improvement in the quality of our equipment and the service that we deliver every day.
  • Bus Rapid Transit: Some $250 million of the funds raised will serve as a local match for a Bus Rapid Transit line extending north from downtown Charleston along the Rivers Avenue. This alternative was studied for more than a year and included a massive public involvement component. Now the Charleston area stands poised to move forward with its first dedicated public transit infrastructure.

In the coming weeks and months, CARTA will undertake further in-depth planning while receiving input and feedback from our customers, area businesses and the community at large. Again we say thank you to the residents of Charleston County as public transit in the Lowcountry enters a remarkable new age.

Mike Seekings is Chairman of the CARTA Board of Directors and Ron Mitchum is the CARTA Executive Director.

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Transit App

Download “Transit” and travel like a true Charlestonian.

Available in the App Store and on Google Play, “Transit” offers numerous features to help you easily navigate around Charleston.

Bus Route: See vehicle locations in real time, find nearby stops, and receive stop announcements.

Service Alerts: Keep on top of schedule changes, stop relocations and other unexpected surprises.

Favorites: Always take the same bus? Move it to the top of the list by adding it to your favorites.

Timetables: View the full schedule for a route and set alarms to remind you to leave.

Countdowns: Get real-time predictions based on data from the transit agency.

“Go”: Get step-by-step transit directions and notifications about when to leave for your trip and when to get off the bus.

Plan a trip!: Compare trips side by side with your preferred transport modes selected.

View Transit 101

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