
Charleston Area Regional Transportation Authority

CARTA connects Charleston-area transit riders to work, school, healthcare, tourist attractions, the airport and more.

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Flooding related service

FINAL UPDATE 2:30PM All routes have returned to regular routes and schedules.

UPDATE 12:30PM – All routes have returned to regular routes except routes 20 and 102.  Expect some delays as routes return to regular schedules.

UPDATE 12:10 PM – America street is now open.  Routes 11, 41 and 213 are resuming regular routes and schedules.  Expect some delays as routes return to regular schedules.

UPDATE 11:40 AM – Rt. 211 is back on regular route

11:00 am 8/3/18 the following routes are delayed or detouring due to flooding and street closures in the area.  Routes will return to normal as flooding subsides and streets are re-opened.

Route 11- Detouring Morrison and Columbus, staying on meeting to serve downtown

Route 20- Staying on Meeting due to flooding on King

Route 30- Detouring Cannon, will be going down Calhoun; then taking Meeting to Mary

Route 31- Detouring Cannon, will be going down Calhoun; then taking Meeting to Mary

Route 41- Same as Route 11, Staying on Meeting street

Route 102- Detouring Moultrie, going around Hampton Park (Mary Murray Drive)

Route 204- Detouring Beaufain Street

Route 210- Coming Street is flooded, going up Pitt Street

Rt. 211- Market and East Bay is flooded- We will be taking East Bay to Hassel back to Meeting.

Route 213- Delayed due to flooding on Calhoun; route is not going down America and Columbus streets




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Transit App

Download “Transit” and travel like a true Charlestonian.

Available in the App Store and on Google Play, “Transit” offers numerous features to help you easily navigate around Charleston.

Bus Route: See vehicle locations in real time, find nearby stops, and receive stop announcements.

Service Alerts: Keep on top of schedule changes, stop relocations and other unexpected surprises.

Favorites: Always take the same bus? Move it to the top of the list by adding it to your favorites.

Timetables: View the full schedule for a route and set alarms to remind you to leave.

Countdowns: Get real-time predictions based on data from the transit agency.

“Go”: Get step-by-step transit directions and notifications about when to leave for your trip and when to get off the bus.

Plan a trip!: Compare trips side by side with your preferred transport modes selected.

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